



Continuous insight into the impact of global sponsorships on the attitude and behaviour of your target audience.

Flexible and bespoke approach

Every research project has a bespoke design based on our clients' goals and challenges. Design and timings are flexible, as we understand we live in a changing world, so we are ready to adapt to any development.

Understanding your business and challenges

We are committed to a customer-focused approach. For us this means that we fully understand your challenges and shape the research and deliverables accordingly. This leads to the best research solution and allows us to provide you with the best possible interpretation of results.

Actionable and pragmatic

We are focused on providing clients with the insights needed to make plans, determine sponsorship strategy and make the right choices regarding activation. Our conclusions are always to the point and actionable. The lay-out of our reporting is accessible, clear and meets your specific requirements.

Dedicated and experienced team

Our team has 25 years' experience in sponsorship research. We put together a dedicated team for each research project. The team is available for questions about the project, about new campaigns, setting new objectives, additional analyses and benchmarks.

Flexible and bespoke approach

Every research project has a bespoke design based on our clients' goals and challenges. Design and timings are flexible, as we understand we live in a changing world, so we are ready to adapt to any development.

Understanding your business and challenges

We are committed to a customer-focused approach. For us this means that we fully understand your challenges and shape the research and deliverables accordingly. This leads to the best research solution and allows us to provide you with the best possible interpretation of results.

Actionable and pragmatic

We are focused on providing clients with the insights needed to make plans, determine sponsorship strategy and make the right choices regarding activation. Our conclusions are always to the point and actionable. The lay-out of our reporting is accessible, clear and meets your specific requirements.

Dedicated and experienced team

Our team has 25 years' experience in sponsorship research. We put together a dedicated team for each research project. The team is available for questions about the project, about new campaigns, setting new objectives, additional analyses and benchmarks.

International sponsorship effect tracking




Sponsorships enable brands to build an emotional relationship with their target audience. Sponsorships contribute to brand strength by connecting your brand with the passion of your target group. In order to maximise sponsorship success it is essential to understand how a sponsorship contributes to brand objectives and how to build that emotional connection with your audience.





In sponsorship effect research the objective is to isolate the impact of sponsorship from the impact of other marketing endeavours as much as possible.

The impact of sponsorships on the attitudes and behaviour of relevant target audiences towards the brand is determined by isolating different target groups based on two proprietary research models:

FanShipLevel Model: Segmentation model to isolate groups with different levels ofinvolvement with the sponsorship property.

Sports Media Profiler: Profiles based on detailed insight into the way people follow the property.

We speak of sponsorship impact if, over time, performance on a KPI increases more strongly among people who are more involved with the sponsorship than among the benchmark group.





Our Sponsorship Effect Tracker provides insights into the development of the effect of the sponsorship(s) on bespoke brand KPI’s. We do this by measuring relevant brand KPI's among (brand) target groups with varying levels of involvement in the sponsorship domains. Brand impact is always benchmarked against relevant competition.







The insights from our Sponsorship Effect Tracker enable brands to take evidence-based decisions about sponsorship strategy and campaigns and therefore contribute to maximising sponsorship impact.

Eva Gerritse
Eva Gerritse
Eva Gerritse
Eva Gerritse
Eva Gerritse

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Eva Gerritse
Business Lead
+316 113 550 95