



A successful sponsorship strategy starts with having clear objectives and knowledge of target groups and the industry. Our Sponsorship Portfolio Analysis provides brands with a deep understanding of exactly those properties that maximise the chance of reaching sponsorship objectives. Because the most popular sport, athlete or music festival might not necessarily be the best sponsorship property for each brand.

Smart sponsorship investment

By knowing what works, the analysis helps brands to stop spending their budget on sponsorships that are not alligned with sponsorship objectives.

Sponsorship domain engagement

Deep analysis of what is of interest to your most relevant target groups, and how they actually engage with the sports, events, athletes, etc. they are interested in.

Brand Attribute Matching

Gaining insights into the match between the (desired) brand values of the sponsor and those of the (available) sponsorship properties, which helps to build credible sponsorships.

Smart sponsorship investment

By knowing what works, the analysis helps brands to stop spending their budget on sponsorships that are not alligned with sponsorship objectives.

Sponsorship domain engagement

Deep analysis of what is of interest to your most relevant target groups, and how they actually engage with the sports, events, athletes, etc. they are interested in.

Brand Attribute Matching

Gaining insights into the match between the (desired) brand values of the sponsor and those of the (available) sponsorship properties, which helps to build credible sponsorships.

Building the ideal sponsorship portfolio




Building the ideal sponsorship portfolio, within the boundaries of budget and available properties, is a process of complexity. Because optimizing a sponsorship strategy requires evidence-based insights that go beyond personal preferences and instinct about 'what feels right'. Endless amounts of sponsorship investments go to waste because there is a lack of both clear objectives and knowledge of what works best for target groups that drive brands.





Blauw Sponsorship Impact is convinced reliable and expert research is essential for brands wanting to optimise their sponsorship portfolio. Only evidence-based insights provide reliable guidance for decisions on how much to invest in what properties.

The Sponsorship Portfolio Analysis is of great value across all stages of a sponsorship life cycle:

  • orientation phase of choosing the right property and sponsorship: will this property help us reach sponsorship objectives, or is another property a better choice?
  • execution phase of activating an existing sponsorship deal: are we doing the right things for the right target groups?
  • evaluation phase of having to renew or end an existing deal: did the sponsorship help us reach our sponsorship objectives / is there enough perspective still, or should we consider other properties?




In the Sponsorship Portfolio Analysis the first step is to define the target groups that would help the brand reach realistic objectives. Then, brand values and desired brand values of the brand are laid down, after which the current sponsorship portfolio and potential properties are thoroughly analysed.

Three analyses then form the basis of he Sponsorship Portfolio Analysis:

  • Domain interest - deep understanding of sports, events, athletes, etc. that target groups have the highest interest in
  • Domain engagement - deep understanding what domains target groups have highest engagement / emotional connection with through behaviour and attitudes
  • Brand Attribute Matching - matching (desired) brand values with sports, events and sponsorship properties






Sponsorship Portfolio Analyses provide the essential insights to make evidence-based decisions about how to shape sponsorship portfolios. It shows the properties that could help reach objectives, which current sponsorships are a good fit, and which ones should be reconsidered.

Eva Gerritse
Eva Gerritse
Eva Gerritse
Eva Gerritse
Eva Gerritse

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Eva Gerritse
Business Lead
+316 113 550 95